Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Universitas & Perguruan Tinggi di Kediri

Universitas maupun perguruan tinggi di Kediri jumlahnya cukup banyak. Walaupun kota kecil, ada banyak pilihan tempat untuk kuliah di perguruan tinggi maupun setingkat. Kediri juga dikenal menjadi sentra Akademi kebidanan dan keperawatan, karena ada banyak akbid maupun akper.
bahkan Universita Brawijaya Malang membuka cabang di kediri, mulai tahun 2011 sudah membuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru.
Berikut ini daftar Kampus Universitas, Perguruan tinggi, Akademi, Sekolah tinggi dan setara di Kediri.

Universitas Di Kediri

  1. Universitas Islam Kadiri
  2. Universitas Pawyatan Daha
  3. Universitas Kadiri
  4. Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  5. Universitas Islam Tribakti
  6. Universitas Terbuka
  1. Politeknik Kediri
  2. Politeknik Cahaya Surya
  2. Institut Ilmu Kesehatan
Sekolah Tinggi
  1. Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Cahaya Surya
  2. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Cahaya Surya
  3. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kediri
  4. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Prima Visi
  5. STIE Canda Bhirawa
  6. STIKES Karya Husada Pare Kediri
  7. STIKES Surya Mitra Husada
  8. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Wahidiyah
  9. STMIK Cahaya Surya
  10. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Kadiri
  1. Akademi Kebidanan Dharma Husada
  2. Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang
  3. Akademi Kebidanan Pamenang
  4. Akademi Keperawatan PGRI
  5. Akademi Manajemen Koperasi
  6. AMIK Aji Jaya Baya
  7. Akademi Keperawatan Dharma Husada
untuk alamat, lokasi, telepon kampus tersebut silahkan cek di sini
sumber: wikipedia

Kamis, 13 Desember 2012


Filename: Grogol.us_Naruto_Shippuuden_294_Id.mp4   Size: 32.5 MB

Naruto 294

Naruto Shippuden episode 293 Subtitle indonesia
thank's to: naruminato.xtgem.com / ribaz-khurosaki.blogspot.com / www.grogol.us
~Naruto Shippuden episode 294 Bisa di Download di sini kamis Malam, Sementara Episode 293 Sudah bisa di Download!!~
Kekuatan chikara, Episode 4
Link Download : [3GP]
Link Download : [MP4]
Link Download : [MKV]
Link Download : [MP4]
Link Download : [3GP]
Link Download : [MKV~Uppit]
Link Download : [MP4~Uppit]
Link Download : [3GP~Uppit]

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

6. How Crazy Your Love


Get Back Home

Good Night


Green A.live

It's My Life

Lock On

No Reason

Nobody Knows





5. Holiday In The Sun


Driving Happy Life

I Do It

It's All Too Much

Kiss Me

Shake My Heart





Please stay with me

Summer Song

To Mother

4. My Short Story


Free Bird

I Wanna Be....

It's Happy Line


Last Train

Driving Today


I'll Be

Why me



Oh My God


Winter Hot Music

3. I Loved Yesterday

Am I Wrong!


I Will Love You

Find Me

Laugh Away

Love And Truth

Love Is All

My Friend

My Generation


No way

We Will Go


2. Can't Buy My Love

Good Bye Days

Happy Birthday To You You

Highway Chance

How Crazy

I Remember You

It's All Right


Rolling Star

Thank You My Teens



Winding Road

1. From Me To You

Blue Wind

I Know

I Can't Say


Just My Way

Merry Go Round

Ready To Love

Simply White

Spiral & Escape

Swing Of Lie


Tomorrow's Way

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


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Aplikasi Photo Into Cartoon Pro V3 - Rubah foto jadi kartun

Selamat siang,, mmmmm hampir vakum buat posting, akhir akhir ini, kebanyakan tugas dan kerjaan yang menumpuk,mohon maaf sobat yang request aplikasi gambar yang merubah jadi kartun agak sedikit telat,ok kita langsung aja ke intinya..
Mungkin bagi sebagian anda itu merupakan hal yang sangat menyusahkan, termasuk saya sendiri. Tapi apabila anda menginginkan untuk merubah foto menjadi kartun, anda tidak usah khawatir dan bersusah payah untuk membuatnya.sekarang udah ada penawarnya, hehehhe

untuk membuat gambar semacam itu, biyasanya kita-kita ini, para design grafis membuatnya memakai software Corel Draw, Adobe Ilustrator, Freehand, Inkscape, adobe photosop atau software vektor lainnya.tapi kebanyakn software yang tadi penggunanya udh mahir :D
tapi berujung ada software yang merubah gambar vektor itu dengan praktis ada softwarenya ya itu photo into cartoon :)
silahkan download Disini

Bleach [Complete]

This blog about Free Download full Openings / Opening [op] and Endings / Ending [Ed] anime Bleach you don’t have to register or pay to download. It’s easy and free.But if you find several link don`t work or the file was deleted, tell me please. Before you download, make sure right click on link download, then choose "Open Link in New Tab". Contact me if you are going to request the other version from opening or ending this anime. Example: karaoke version, instrumental version, TV size version, Character single, main theme, or Soundtrack music of this anime. I take seriously with all your comment and request. Free download music/songs(mp3) ost.Anime _-_ Don't forget to come back here again.


You already know about story, character, music, art, anything related with bleach. Therefore, no synopsis here.
{Last updated: Dec 06th, 2012}
re upload ED #25-28
Bleach: Memories in the Rain (OAV)
Ending Theme:
"Memories in the Rain" by Kurosaki Ichigo [Download]

Bleach: The Sealed Sword Frenzy (OAV)
Ending Theme:
"Ditty For Daddy" by Shiro Sagisu [Download]
Insert Song:
Nothing Can't be Explained by MIKE WYZGOWSKI  [Download]
Number One by Hazel FERNANDEZ [Download]
Bleach The Movie (Main Theme Song):
Bleach Movie 1 Memories of Nobody
1. Sen no Yoru wo Koete by Aqua Timez [Download] [OST]

Bleach Movie 2 Diamond Dust Rebellion
2. Hikari no Rock by Sambomaster [Download] [OST]

Bleach Movie 3 Fade to Black
3. Koyoi, Tsuki ga Miezu tomo by Porno Grafitti [Download] [OST]

Bleach Movie 4 Jigoku Hen
4. Save The One, Save The All by T.M. Revolution [Download] [OST]
Opening Theme:
Op 1: Asterisk By Orange Range [Download
Op 2: D-Technolife by Uverworld  [Download] [Single]
Op 3: Ichirin no Hana by High and Mighty Color  [Download
Op 4: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight by Beat Crusaders  [Download]
Op 5: Rolling Star by YUI [Download]
Op 6: ALONES by Aqua Timez  [Download]
Op 7: After Dark by Asian Kung Fu Generation  [Download]
Op 8: CHU-BURA by Kelun  [Download
Op 9: Velonica by Aqua Timez  [Download
Op 10: Shoujo S by
SCANDAL [Download]
Op 11: Anima Rossa By Porno Graffiti [Download]
Op 12: chAngE by Miwa  [Download
Op 13: Ranbu No Melody By SID [Download] [Single]
Op 14: BLUE by ViViD [Download]

Op 15: Harukaze by SCANDAL [Download] [Single]
Ending Theme: 
Ed 01: Life is Like a Boat by Rie Fu [Download]
Ed 02: Arigatou [Thank You!!] by Home Made Kazoku  [Download]
Ed 03: Houki Boshi by Younha  [Download]
Ed 04: Happy People by Skoop on Somebody  [Download]
Ed 05: Life by YUI  [Download]
Ed 06: My Pace by SunSet Swish  [Download
Ed 07: Hanabi by Ikimono-gakari [Download]
Ed 08: MOVIN!! by Takacha [Download
Ed 09: Baby It's You by JUNE [Download
Ed 10: Sakura Biyori by Mai Hoshimura [Download
Ed 11: Tsumasaki by Ore Ska Band [Download]
Ed 12: Daidai by Chatmonchy [Download]
Ed 13: Tane wo Maku Hibi by Atari Kousuke [Download]
Ed 14: Kansha. [Gratitude] by Real Street Project [Download
Ed 15: Orange by Lil'B a.k.a MIEAILA [Download]
Ed 16: Gallop by pe'zmoku [Download]
Ed 17: Hitohira no Hanabira by Stereo Pony [Download
Ed 18: Sky Chord by Tsuji Shion [Download]
Ed 19: Kimi o Mamotte, Kimi o Aishite by Sambomaster [Download]
Ed 20: Mad Surfer by Kenichi Asai [Download]
Ed 21: Sakurabito by SunSet Swish [Download
Ed 22: Tabidatsu Kimi He [On a Journey to You] by RSP [Download]
Ed 23: Stay Beautiful by DIGGY-MO' [Download]
Ed 24: Echoes by Universe [Download]
Ed 25: Last Moment by Spyair [Download] [Single]
Ed 26: Song For... by Rookiez is Punk'D [TV Size] [Full Ver.] [Instrumental Ver.] [Overcame Ver.] [Single]
Ed 27: Aoi Tori by Fumika [TV Size] [Full Ver.]
Ed 28: Haruka Kanata by UNLIMITS [TV Size] [Full Ver.] [Single]

Ed 29: Re:pray by Aimer [Download] [Single]
Ed 30: Mask by Aqua Timez [Download] [Single]

Original Soundtrack (by Shirou Sagisu):
Bleach OST 1 [FileSwap | Sharebeast | FileTrip]
Bleach OST 2 [FileSwap | Sharebeast | FileTrip]
Bleach OST 3 [FileSwap | Sharebeast | FileTrip]
Bleach OST 4 [FileSwap | Sharebeast | FileTrip]

Bleach Album Collection:
Bleach The Best
Bleach The Best Instrumental

Naruto Shippuden Episode 292 [Subtitle Indonesia]

"Chikara Arc Episodes - 03"

WARNING : Mohon untuk tidak mengUPLOAD ataupun me-MIRROR link asli dari blog ini (Baik MKV, MP4 ataupun 3GP) dan apabila ada yang ingin men-share karya dari blog ini diharapkan tetap memakai link+password dari sini serta back link ke blog ini pula.. tanamkanlah selalu akan originalitas dan dengan itu kami merasa dihargai.!!!

Saya berharap agar sebelum unduh,, mohon coment2nya dulu,, tapi yang sopan n gak aneh2 supaya lebih asyik n rame ya!!!

Dan terlebih lagi jangan lupa Follow sy di @Ribaz_Khurosaki dan juga di Google+ ku.. +Rizki Bahari ...Okee !!!

Silahkan :)

Thanks to Ribaz Khurosaki BloGz


Link Download dibawah ini :

Via 4Shared :








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| www.mediafire.com/?n4kz791k42ows6r | Credit to: Verry Hindrawan

HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN [ 2010. 07. 14 ]

| www.mediafire.com/?jfb04erdcf4ed53 | Credit to: Verry Hindrawan

MY SHORT STORIES [ 2008. 11. 12 ]

| www.mediafire.com/?ckfe9b7c7uw6uaa | Credit to: Verry Hindrawan

I LOVED YESTERDAY [ 2008. 04. 09 ]

| www.mediafire.com/?q9fzgb5dpdpka1v | Credit to: Verry Hindrawan

CAN'T BUY MY LOVE [ 2007. 04. 04 ]

| www.mediafire.com/?dbrd64u686nb7ii | Credit to: Verry Hindrawan

FROM ME TO YOU [ 2006. 02. 22 ]

| www.mediafire.com/?lfzqve9u41hsgol | Credit to: Verry Hindrawan

MediaFire is the simplest free cloud storage service for businesses, professionals, and individuals to store, backup, collaborate and share files with others.

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012


Egaku yume ga subete kanau wake nado nai kedo
Anata datte wakatteiru hazu yo
Kowaresouna sora datte
Atashi wa ukeireru kara
Daijoubu yo yasashii uso otona ni naritai
Ganbare ganbare inochi moyashite
Tsuzuku genjitsu ikiteyuku
Ganbare ganbare kagiriaru hibi ni…
Hana wo sakaseru
Kibou no saki ni aru akogare ni te wo nobaseba
Ashita datte te tesaguri mitsukeru yo
Chiriyuku kara utsukushii to iu
Imi ga wakattekita
Gomenne mou sukoshi onona ni naru kara
Ganbare ganbare kachimake datte
Hontou wa daiji na koto nan da ne
Ganbare ganbare sousa jinsei wa hikikaesenai
Itsuka furikaeru toki
Kyou no wakakarishi hi ga
Kitto natsukashiku naru kara
Ganbare ganbare inochi moyashite
Tsuzuku genjitsu ikiteyuku
Ganbare ganbare kagiriaru hibi ni…
Hana wo sakaseru Hana wo sakaseru